Collection: Patella Gel Pad Knee Brace

Chondromalacia Patella Treatment

Chondromalacia is a generic term for damage to the cartilage in the joints, but the term is often used to refer to damage to the cartilage that covers the patella (kneecap). This is because the knee joint is the body area most commonly affected by chondromalacia.

The cartilage in the knee deteriorates over time, causing the cartilage behind the kneecap to soften.This cartilage is important as a shock absorber and to ensure that the patella can slide smoothly through the femoral groove. When it is damaged, the result is usually painful inflammation of the patella area. In the beginning, this pain can often be characterized as a dull pain in the front of the knee behind the kneecap.

RICE for Chondromalacia

Treatment for chondromalacia varies depending on the extent of the injury and the causative factor. The first line of defense in treating chondromalacia is to rest the knee and try to control the swelling. Ice, compression, elevation, and the use of anti-inflammatory medications can be very effective in reducing this knee inflammation.

Chondromalacia patella knee braces also help rest and provide pressure on the knee. The Articulated Chondromalacia Patella Knee Brace provides compression and stability, optimized with medial and lateral hinges for added ligament support.

Correct tracking of the knee joint with a chondromalacia patella brace

Other conservative treatment modalities address some of the causative factors of chondromalacia, such as the patella not moving as it should, whether due to muscle weakness in the thigh and hip, injury, or simply the anatomy of the knee.

There are several patella tracking braces, these knee braces for chondromalacia all help keep the kneecap centered during joint movement, plus they have silicone inserts that activate the joint muscles and stimulate circulation to reduce inflammation, promote healing and Enhanced proprioception (NF). These chondromalacia stents are also great for active use.

Taping the knee can also help keep the patella normal, thereby treating chondromalacia.

Activity-Based Treatment of Chondromalacia Patella

Once you have knee pain and inflammation associated with managing the condition, you can perform chondromalacia patella therapy exercises and stretch the muscles that control the knee joint to prevent the problem from recurring. These usually place a special emphasis on strengthening the quadriceps.

Another relatively common-sense treatment for chondromalacia patellae is to avoid aggravating activities as much as possible. If possible, switch to a more knee-friendly sport or hobby. Chondromalacia is thought to be associated with activities that place repetitive stress on the knee.

For example, movements or jumps that involve long runs can be problematic. In fact, chondromalacia is sometimes referred to as "runner's knee," although the term applies to many knee injuries. Sudden increases in exercise distance or terrain can also cause chondromalacia.

There are also many occupations that require prolonged kneeling, such as those who make a living laying tile floors or serving as housekeepers.

Obviously, avoiding such risk factors is not always an option. In this case, people should try to reduce the stress as much as possible by wearing a knee brace for chondromalacia or using some kind of knee brace.

Chondromalacia Patella Treatment: Surgery

If conservative approaches are ineffective, the next step in patellofemoral chondromalacia management may be surgical removal of damaged and irritated cartilage. Or in some cases, the treatment of chondromalacia may require more extensive surgery to realign the patella and reduce pressure on the patella area.

A knee immobilizer, knee splint, or chondromalacia knee brace may be required after surgery to achieve proper healing.

After surgery, you may need to participate in chondromalacia treatment exercises to restore strength and flexibility in your knee. After surgery, people may use knee braces to treat chondromalacia patella to increase support and prevent re-injury during physical activity or other situations. Repeat surgery is generally considered to involve greater risks and a longer recovery period.