What is a Clavicle Fracture or Fracture?
The clavicle, also called the clavicle, is the bone that connects to the shoulder blades and the sternum (or ribs). It is part of the shoulder joint and helps provide stability during arm movements. A clavicle fracture is a fairly common injury in young children and adults. This is because these bones don't harden until adulthood. A collarbone injury can result from a direct blow to the shoulder or upper chest from trauma such as a car accident, a severe fall, or various sports injuries.
Usually the clavicle breaks in the middle, but it is also possible for the clavicle to break in the rib cage or in the attachment to the shoulder. A brace on the upper chest will protect the clavicle and help manage clavicle joint pain. Protection is critical because clavicle fractures are usually non-surgical and need to heal on their own. The only way for collarbone pain to go away is for the bone to heal in the correct position provided by braces, slings, and splints. Read more about clavicle and collarbone injuries here.
Clavicle Injury Symptoms
Diagnosing a fractured clavicle is self-explanatory because you will have a large bump next to your shoulder with bruising and/or severe joint pain. If your collarbone is injured, you may experience the following symptoms:
Extreme pain or friction when moving the shoulder or arm
- inability to move or raise arms
- bruising, swelling, or tenderness of the collarbone
- If the bone moves out of place, a deformity or lump will appear
- Shoulders may appear to collapse forward and down
Types of Clavicle Injuries
Clavicle (clavicular) fractures are usually immediate and can be seen through the skin. In most cases, surgery is not required.
Medical professionals generally divide clavicle fractures into three groups:
Group I fractures occur in the middle third of the bone, where it is flat and thin. These fractures, sometimes called midshaft fractures, are the cause of most clavicle fractures and are usually treatable without surgery.
- Group II fractures, called lateral or distal fractures, occur furthest from the center of the body, near the acromion (the extension of the bone at the top of the shoulder). These fractures account for 21% to 28% of clavicle fractures,1 although some estimate this percentage to be lower. Treatment may or may not involve surgery.
Group III fractures, called medial fractures, are less common, accounting for about 2 to 4 percent of all clavicle fractures. 2 They appear near the neck. Treatment may or may not involve surgery.
Surgery is usually only recommended when it is necessary to restore the bone fragment to its correct anatomical position.
Treatment of Clavicle Pain or Clavicle Fracture
Experiencing a broken or broken collarbone can be very painful, and most of the time they just need to heal on their own. The use of a collarbone sling is critical for proper healing. A broken collarbone brace will cover the entire top half of the chest and wrap around the shoulders to keep the shoulders back and up. Treating a clavicle fracture with a sling will help fix the clavicle and allow it to heal on its own. It helps limit twisting and turning of the upper body. This will help speed up the healing and recovery process of a clavicle fracture, which can take 4-8 weeks to heal.
These clavicle braces have a fairly wide padding band, making them an excellent choice for broken and fractured clavicles. For this type of injury, the narrower version is not recommended. These wide straps can be uncomfortable at first, but will give you the right level of stability you need to heal your injuries.
Another treatment you may want to use with a sling is ice packs and anti-inflammatories. This helps reduce pain and swelling when recovering from a broken collarbone or fracture.
If the collarbone injury is severe enough to require surgery, an arm sling over your shoulder will help immobilize your arm. Usually, clavicle fracture surgery is performed only when the ligaments are torn or damaged.
Clavicle fracture in children
Half of all pediatric clavicle fractures occur before the age of 7. To prevent long-term damage, it is important to use a pediatric back and shoulder brace to allow the collarbone to heal in the correct position. The most common way a collarbone is injured is a fall, which can happen while your child is playing outdoors or participating in a sporting activity. If your child falls and has bruises around the collarbone, consult a doctor and place your child in an arm sling or a child collarbone brace. These braces are not only for children and toddlers, but collarbone braces are also suitable for teens and teens.
Clavicle fracture treatment and postural support
Not only do these collarbone braces help relieve pain from a collarbone injury, but they also help correct posture by pulling your shoulders back into place. Posture is very important when it comes to healing a clavicle injury. They can help limit the side effects of poor posture, such as headaches, back or shoulder pain, fatigue, and more.
If you're looking for a posture corrector mount, check out this posture corrector. It's designed to be used more specifically as a posture trainer, not a collarbone mount. Wearing a brace that wraps around your shoulders and crosses over your back can help you maintain good posture. It does this by retraining the back muscles to maintain an upright, non-sluggish posture.