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Thumb Brace - Thumb Spica Splint for Arthritis, Tendonitis and More. Fits Both Right Hand and Left Hand for Men and Women. Trigger Thumb Support Braces
Thumb Brace - Thumb Spica Splint for Arthritis, Tendonitis and More. Fits Both Right Hand and Left Hand for Men and Women. Trigger Thumb Support Braces
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What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
The median nerve is one of the main nerves in the hand, running from the forearm to the palm. This nerve allows you to feel through your fingers (except your little finger). It is also responsible for sending impulses, or nerve signals, to the muscles of the thumb.
The carpal tunnel houses and protects the median nerve. We call it that because this part of the hand consists of narrow (and strong) passages of ligaments and bones.
Unfortunately, irritated and swollen tendons can narrow the carpal tunnel. These inflammations can then compress or squeeze the median nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to compression of the median nerve.
What Causes Inflammation That Causes CTS?
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by inflammations such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Repetitive strain injury (RSI), which affects 1.8 million U.S. workers each year, can also lead to CTS. Direct wrist injuries can also cause inflammation and contribute to this condition.
How can a carpal tunnel wrist splint help?
A carpal tunnel splint is a wrist splint that looks like a tipless or fingerless glove. Also known as wrist rests, these hand pieces straighten and stabilize the wrist. This then reduces the pressure to "squeeze" the median nerve.
Relieving pressure on the pinched median nerve can help reduce symptoms of CTS. The stabilizing effect of the CTS splint also helps to "limit" wrist movements that can make pain worse.
Why use a CTS splint?
Carpal tunnel braces or splints are most effective for mild to moderate cases. This is why it is important to have early diagnosis and prompt treatment of your condition. Untreated CTS can cause permanent damage to the median nerve.
If this happens, you may already need surgery to release pressure on the nerve. Carpal tunnel surgery is effective in the long run, but post-operative pain is common. In fact, one study found that more than half of surgery patients experience pain even three months later.
Carpal tunnel release procedures have also been shown to increase work impairment and absenteeism. In contrast, non-surgical patients had no absences lasting more than 2 weeks.
Wrist splints, on the other hand, do not involve any type of surgery. Because it's non-invasive, you don't have to worry about side effects. Many even wear them at work!
Do you always have to wear a splint?
Most people wear a carpal tunnel splint while sleeping. One reason is that sleeping and sleeping positions can increase a person's tendency to bend their wrists. This may put more pressure on the already compressed median nerve.
If your CTS symptoms are worse in the morning or after waking up, wear a splint at night. This way, you can prevent your wrist from flexing, which can help reduce pain, numbness, and tingling. Night splinting has also been shown to relieve CTS symptoms better than no treatment at all.
If you do a lot of repetitive activities, consider wearing a custom wrist splint. This is because repetitive actions, such as typing or using the mouse, can trigger CTS bursts. In fact, any activity that involves moving your wrist repeatedly can make your symptoms worse.
Thumb Wrist Brace - Thumb Spica Splint for Arthritis, Tendonitis and More
- One Brace Fits Both Right Hand and Left Hand
- For Men and Women.
- Wrist, Hand, and Thumb Stabilizer and Immobilizer.
- Trigger Thumbs Support Brace.
Lightweight and ergonomically designed to discreetly and comfortably give your wrists, arms, hands, and thumbs support, your fully adjustable thumb brace is designed to correctly support your bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles quickly and effectively.
Your thumb splint support wrap is designed with two things in mind, premium support AND ease of use. You can easily put on and adjust each strap to form fit your needs to provide custom, targeted, firm support to relieve your pain. Wear your brace during the day to stay active without pain! Wear your thumb pain brace at night as a protector to support, stabilize, immobilize, and protect your thumb while you sleep!
Correct years of carpal tunnel syndrome, computer typing injuries, physical sports injury aches, muscle strains, tendonitis and the pain that comes with them in minutes! You will feel stronger and more supported as soon as you slip on the support sleeve!
Your Finger Splint Solutions Protective Thumb Finger Brace is perfect for:
Carpul Tunnel Syndrome Acute/Chronic Irritation Trigger Thumbs Postoperative Recovery Tendonitis Osteoarthritis Arthritis Repetitive Motion Strains Thumb Orthosis Skiers' Thumb Sports related injuries and fatigue Ligament/Tendon support Basal Thumb Arthritis Ganglion Cysts
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