The benefits of sports ankle braces for athletes

The benefits of sports ankle braces for athletes

If you are an athlete, you must have experienced or observed that ankle sprains are an inevitable part of practice and competition. When your heart races against time at the crux of the game, humans lose that extreme mind-body connection that leads to injury.

While it's essential to get good grades in the race, you can't ignore safety, which brings us to the most interesting topic of discussion around the ankle - to support or not to support. While you may hear some exercise enthusiasts talk about the impact of ankle braces on agility, it's always better to make a research-proven and medically-assisted choice. With this wealth of information, it is clear that a confused and medically ill-informed decision was made. Hansaplast brings you sports ankle braces that provide strong ankle support. It is designed to provide compression and support to relieve pain associated with ankle sprains, chronic ankle instability and overuse symptoms. It's made from a breathable bi-stretch knit material that's comfortable to wear and fit comfortably in your shoes. Plus, it helps prevent re-injury.

Lateral ankle sprains are reported to be the most common injury affecting an athlete's performance. In severe cases, the effect of the injury is such that it damages and separates the bones - the tibia and fibula.

If you're still nervous about wrapping your ankle with a brace, here's a list of medically proven benefits to help you make a better, smarter choice. Read on to learn more about the benefits of wearing ankle caps for athletes:

Reduce the risk of injury

Doctors recommend that athletes with previous ankle injuries wear ankle braces or braces to reduce the risk of future injuries. This precaution is recommended because ankle caps have been shown to protect the lateral and medial structures of the ankle. They act as external support to limit varus and provide auxiliary awareness of ankle positioning.

Rehabilitation after injury

Ideally, the most effective way to heal from an ankle injury is immediate and effective medical help. Having said that, the most recommended post-injury rehabilitation is to support the ankle. Ankle braces help stabilize the ankle and prevent muscle weakness by performing weight management on the affected muscles. The brace helps balance weight and improve ankle endurance. They keep every part of the ankle in place and fully engaged, from the supraextensor retinaculum to the subfibular retinaculum and everything in between. An ankle strap or brace can help you achieve the perfect balance your ankle missed the last time you tried to beat the benchmark!

controlled range of motion

The reason ankle braces have gained popularity over the years is that they have been shown to be effective in limiting valgus and varus range of motion. It is also important to understand that since an ankle brace does not affect or limit sagittal motion, the use of an ankle brace will undoubtedly negatively impact an athlete's performance. You can use the ankle brace to jump, run or exercise freely and your performance will not be affected by the use of tape and braces.

pain management

Finding the right size for your ankle can help with usual pain management after practice. You don't feel pain just because of an injury; rather, it can be experienced after intense practice or unexpected encounters. Supporting your ankle with an ankle strap can help relieve pain and give your bones, muscles, and ligaments the rest they need for continued performance. Keeping your feet elevated and wearing braces can prove extremely beneficial in reducing swelling and pain relief. Next time you feel pain, lift your foot to your heart!

prevent bone separation

Separation of the fibula and tibia due to tissue damage is the most common and important form of ankle injury. The purpose of using ankle straps and braces is to reduce extreme anatomical motion of the ankle joint and enhance muscle activity and skin feedback. This provides a safe experience and minimizes the risk of bone separation. Fasten your ankles and keep those bones together!

Better to be safe than sorry, which is exactly why athletes should wear ankle braces. Contrary to the notion that braces hinder athletic performance, it has been shown that their use does not counteract dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Whether you're recovering from an injury or restarting your athletic journey, an ankle brace can give you the support you need to perform at your best in sports.

For support and freedom of movement, brace your ankles now!

Possibly one of the most overused parts of the human body, the ankle is prone to natural wear and tear, and a range of injuries and accidents can lead to ankle pain. Before we dive into the different types of ankle pain, symptoms, treatment, and recovery, it's important to first understand the anatomy of the ankle.

Learn about ankle anatomy

The ankle joint is a hinged joint consisting of two joints (the upper and lower hocks) that facilitate its normal movement. In addition to the four main ligaments (deltoid, anterior talofibular ligament, posterior talofibular ligament, and calcaneofibular ligament), the fibula, tibia, and talus are the main bones that make up the ankle. A combination of the joint capsule, ankle tendons, and supporting muscles around the ankle joint help keep it in the desired position.

Types of Ankle Movements


This involves the back of the foot (back) towards the front of the leg.

plantar flexion

This involves balancing the leg on the toes while the heel is raised. In short, these movements help you walk, run, and perform everyday activities, including moving your legs around the ground.

Why are ankles prone to injury?

While the most obvious answer to this question is that your ankle carries the weight of your entire body when you walk, jog, run, or sprint, there are several other causes of ankle injuries.

  • Natural wear and tear happens because your body ages over time and your ankles start to wear down, so it's common in older adults
  • Parts of your body begin to weaken as you age, in which case weak ankles can easily be injured for the rest of your life
  • Being overweight doesn't help either, as it just means you're putting more pressure and weight on your ankle
  • Rolling or twisting your ankle is also one of the most common ways to injure or sprain your ankle
  • Ankle sprains account for 85% of all ankle injuries and usually occur when ligaments are torn or stretched beyond a certain point
  • Ankle injuries are most common among athletes because they perform high-intensity tasks that put more pressure on the ankle than usual

What are the different types of ankle injuries?

While there are several types of ankle-related injuries, the most common are listed below:

  • Ankle Sprain
  • avulsion fracture
  • stress fracture
  • Arthritis (rheumatoid, reactive, psoriasis, sepsis)
  • tendon rupture
  • Osteoarthritis
  • peroneal tendon injury
  • talar vault lesions
  • gout
  • Bursitis
  • tendonitis
  • unstable
  • Nerve compression (tarsal tunnel syndrome)
  • Infect
  • structural alignment damage

Each comes with its own risks, so it's best to diagnose your injury early so you can take appropriate remedies.

Ankle Injury Symptoms, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

The following are the main symptoms of moderate to severe ankle injuries:

  • swelling
  • tenderness
  • contusion
  • acute pain
  • Ankle cannot bear weight
  • Inability to move the ankle freely (stiffness)
  • skin discoloration

When should I seek professional help for ankle pain?

 While it's easy to determine that your ankle is injured, if the pain persists for more than a few hours, it's best to see a doctor and get it checked out. Who knows, it might be better or worse than you think! The doctor will first examine your ankle carefully, try to move it in different directions (to check range of motion), ask you a few simple questions, and then do an X-ray or MRI scan to measure how well your ankle is working before prescribing medication, exercising, or other Injured before rehabilitation therapy.

How to treat ankle pain? What is the best remedy?

 An ankle injury of any kind can mean a lot of discomfort, and there are some proven ways to relieve this pain. Some ideal home remedies to effectively manage ankle pain include:


Make sure to get enough rest to give your ankle the best chance of recovery. This includes not putting any weight or pressure on the ankle during the rehabilitation phase.

use a walker

Whether you prefer crutches, walkers or wheelchairs depends on you (and the extent of your injury), but ideally you should use some sort of mobility support or device to walk - even if you just want to move around the house every day as you need it.

foot elevation

When lying down, use a pillow to elevate your feet/legs. This helps reduce swelling around the ankle joint. We recommend that you follow this whether you are taking medication or not.

Ice, ice baby!

Cold therapy or ice packs are great for reducing swelling and reducing pain. Wrapping the ice in a cloth or ice pack can help numb the affected area and reduce swelling more quickly.

Non-prescription drugs

Anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen have been shown to help with pain relief over-the-counter, but we still recommend seeing your doctor before taking any medications.

cortisone injection

Cortisone injections are basically injected into your ankle joint to relieve your pain. These injections include corticosteroid medication and a local anesthetic.


As with the recovery of any joint, gradual and limited movement is an important part of recovery. Using a therapy band (or resistance band) and doing range-of-motion exercises can help with the recovery process. But you need to make sure that you don't put any unnecessary stress on your ankles while exercising.


In severe cases, your doctor may recommend arthroscopy or reconstructive surgery (if the injury is severe or the ankle condition does not improve with nonsurgical methods).

Ankle Support Products

You can also overcome ankle pain with easy-to-wear ankle support devices and aids. How to Choose the Right Ankle Support Equipment From sleeves and shoulders to splints and braces to stirrups and hybrids, you can choose from a wide variety of ankle support products to help your ankle recover. Choosing an ankle support product can be like choosing a shirt or a dress—the options in today's market for injury recovery products are endless. However, before choosing, you need to evaluate the pros and cons of different types of ankle braces. You may be aware that for most products there is an inverse relationship between comfort and stability. Sleeves Ankle sleeves are very comfortable, but their effectiveness can be debated when dealing with moderate to severe ankle injuries. However, in the case of minor sprains, these are convenient first-line treatments that you can purchase on your own. Shoulder Straps Ankle straps or straps are basically meant to wrap around the ankle in a figure-of-eight shape (like you would wrap a bandage). While different straps have different thicknesses and levels of flexibility, it's up to you to decide what to choose. Shoulder straps are often popular among athletes and young adults. Lace-Up Shoes These braces have a classic design in function and support. Made of rigid material, the lace-up stand provides plenty of stability. While the rigidity factor may seem like a con, there are plenty of designs out there that offer a good balance between stability and comfort. Hybrid Put the sleeves, straps, stirrups, and ties together and you've got a hybrid ankle brace. Most professional athletes prefer a hybrid brace, but again, it also depends on the severity of your ankle injury (or your doctor's recommendation). What should I look for in an ideal ankle support aid? Quality, stability, comfort, added features, and cost (in that order) are the main factors to consider when choosing an ankle support product. If you're thinking about a quick recovery, aesthetics should ideally be the last thing on that list.

How can I prevent further injury or damage to my ankle? In addition to careful and gradual ankle rehabilitation, maintaining a moderate body weight is essential to reduce stress on the ankle joint. Here are some precautions you can take to avoid future injuries:

wear appropriate shoes

Always use quality footwear that does not put undue stress on different parts of the leg. If you have an ankle injury, avoid hard-soled or high-heeled shoes.

warm up

Stretching and warming up are essential before starting a workout or any other strenuous activity that puts stress on the ankle. Often, ankle injuries are caused by not warming up enough.

use ankle braces

You can continue to use an ankle brace as a preventative device when participating in any physical activity that involves lateral movement.

exercise regularly

Muscle-strengthening exercises are a must so that you can ensure a strong support system around your ankle. Calf raises and other similar exercises are great for helping you strengthen your ankles.

Pay attention to the surface

It may seem like a superfluous thing to say, but many of us don't pay attention to the type of surfaces we walk on. Uneven surfaces often lead to ankle sprains and related injuries. Watch where you go, especially if you're a senior! In conclusion, it is important to seek professional help immediately when diagnosing and treating ankle-related injuries. Left untreated, ankle pain can lead to long-term pain and instability that can further damage the joint area. If you're looking for a reliable ankle support aid, check out our section dedicated to ankle pain management products.

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