A shoulder brace is an orthopedic device that helps stabilize the shoulder's AC joint and surrounding ligaments, tendons, and muscles. It will help promote the healing of certain types of shoulder injuries, which we will list in the next section.
We should note that some people include other types of braces in the shoulder rest category, such as arm slings and postural supports. However, on this site, these supports are included in different product categories. The supports we include in this category are those designed for shoulder immobilization or stabilization. This is not the same as reducing the weight of the arms on the shoulders (as in arm slings) or (changing the position of the upper back and shoulders) as postural supports do.
shoulder pain
Communicate images of joints and surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Click here to enlarge
The ac (acromioclavicular) joint connects the clavicle (clavicular) and the scapula (or scapula) and is one of the 2 major joints that make up the shoulder. As shown on the left, the AC joint is surrounded by a complex network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The complexity of the shoulder joint makes it vulnerable to many types of injuries, each of which can lead to shoulder pain.
Shoulder pain is one of the more common health problems in North America today. According to a 2016 NCBI publication, it affects 18-26% of adults at any time. It also imposes significant economic costs in the form of increased healthcare costs, impaired workplace performance, absenteeism due to illness, and early retirement. Shoulder supports can play a key role in mitigating the negative impact of these costs on society.
Individuals working in industries that require a lot of overhead arm movement (for example, construction that may involve a lot of hammering or paint jobs) may experience abrasions and lacerations that cause shoulder pain.
Occupational activities such as gardening can also produce these injuries if they involve a lot of overhead work, such as trimming tall branches with garden shears. Finally, there are many sports that require a lot of overhead arm movement, such as throwing or smashing. Sports such as baseball, cricket, tennis and volleyball.
Over time, any of these types of sports can lead to repetitive stress injuries that can lead to shoulder pain. When this happens, the affected person may need to use a shoulder brace to give the ligaments, tendons, and muscles that are under excessive stress in the shoulder a chance to rest and recover.
What you need to know about wearing a shoulder brace
How does the shoulder rest work?
If you have an injury such as a broken upper arm or collarbone, dislocated shoulder, or shoulder separation, your healthcare professional may recommend wearing a shoulder brace to help your wound heal faster. Shoulder braces can also help reduce pain from other shoulder injuries, such as shoulder instability, shoulder arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, tendinitis, or bursitis. It does this by stabilizing the joint and its adjacent muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and giving them a chance to rest and recover.
In addition to stabilization, some shoulder brace designs can also relieve shoulder pain by compressing the AC joint and reducing inflammation.
If you have additional questions about the use of these braces, we invite you to read our post on wearing shoulder braces.
Other shoulder support problems
Can I sleep with a shoulder rest?
Our advice is that you should do this if possible. A shoulder brace can help you avoid sleeping in the wrong position (such as on an injured shoulder) and aggravating your injury.
For some people, sleeping on the side of the healthy shoulder with the legs apart can help avoid rolling over the injured shoulder during sleep. If this works, you may not need to sleep with a shoulder support, especially if it's uncomfortable and inhibits sleep.
Another suggestion you might want to try is to sleep in a semi-seated position (use 2 pillows. Keep your head up). This may help protect the injured shoulder from further damage during sleep.
How long should I wear it?
Your healthcare professional should be the most authoritative source for answering this question. Furthermore, the time required to heal an injury obviously depends on the nature of the injury itself. For example, with a dislocated shoulder, it may take 12-16 weeks to fully recover. On the other hand, mild shoulder instability may take less time, possibly just a few weeks. Recovery from some types of shoulder surgery can take up to 3 months.
Therefore, we recommend that you consult your healthcare professional and follow his or her guidance on this matter.
What should I be looking for in the best shoulder rest?
You should always choose your shoulder support with the help of a qualified healthcare professional. However, there are some criteria that are always important. Where possible, the support you choose should be as comfortable as possible to promote patient compliance.
Additionally, a brace that is easy to wear under everyday clothing will make it easier to wear at work, socially, or in other everyday activities. This will also help with patient compliance, more complete pain relief and accelerated recovery.
You should also make sure you have the manufacturer's instructions on how to wash, dry and care for your shoulder rest. Following these instructions will ensure that you get the full benefit of your investment.
Lastly, you should make sure to follow the sizing instructions carefully and choose your size accordingly. If your shoulder brace is too large, it may cause excessive movement of the shoulder and therefore not achieve the intended healing process. However, if the brace is too small, it will be uncomfortable or impossible to wear and, as a result, will fail.