You stumbled upon zszbace's range of compression socks and you are ready to buy. However, you are also curious about medical compression stockings. Before shopping, you will ask the following questions: What are medical compression stockings? How are they different from other compression socks and regular socks?
Which product you choose depends on your activity level and the support your body type requires. Let's talk about what compression is and review the differences between compression sleeves and compression socks to help you choose the right product for you.
What is compression?
Compression products help reduce swelling in body parts by applying minimal pressure to the body part. This pressure, in turn, helps distribute blood flow across these body parts, thereby improving circulation.
Many leg disorders start with blood restriction in the veins. Ensuring your blood flows safely from your heart to the rest of your body is the purpose of treatments like pressure therapy. By applying pressure to the tissue beneath the skin, compression therapy prevents excess lymph fluid from seeping out of the capillaries, thereby stopping or preventing swelling.
Compression therapy has been around for thousands of years. Wearing compression sleeves or compression socks can prove beneficial. In fact, some of the benefits offered by compression therapy include:
reduce blood clots
If you stay in bed for long periods of time due to surgery or other medical problems, you are at risk of developing blood clots, which can lead to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Pregnancy, obesity, high cholesterol, and prolonged sitting can also put you at risk for DVT. Doctors recommend compression therapy to prevent blood from building up in the veins.
relieve leg ulcers
Leg ulcers are open wounds that are difficult to heal. People with leg ulcers often have vein problems, diabetes, heart disease, or other health problems. Compression helps heal leg ulcers by improving blood flow to the legs. It can also prevent future leg ulcers.
manage varicose veins
Varicose veins are large, swollen, and twisted. Many people develop them on their legs. People who use birth control pills, work standing up for long periods of time, have a history of blood clots, or are pregnant are at high risk for varicose veins. In some cases, veins are inherited. There are many treatments for varicose veins, including surgery. Compression therapy is also recommended to reduce swelling and discomfort associated with these veins.
Reduce nausea and dizziness
This one might surprise you. If you frequently feel dizzy or nauseous, your doctor may recommend wearing tights.
Nausea and fainting are symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, which occurs when your blood pressure drops suddenly after you stand up. Compression prevents this disease by causing blood to flow in your leg. Compression garments are also said to help relieve morning sickness in pregnant women.
What are medical compression stockings?
Medical and non-medical compression stockings relieve pain, tiredness, swelling, open wounds or other injuries. They improve blood flow and help protect the wearer from varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, blood clots, and more.
Unlike regular socks, compression stockings apply pressure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), which is equivalent to the pressure produced by a column of mercury. Standard compression stockings offer 15 to 20 mmHg, which provides the above benefits, but is still low enough for the socks to feel comfortable. zszbace offers graded compression socks that apply 10 to 30 mmHg of pressure.
Compression levels above 30 mmHg make compression socks compliant with medical product requirements. Comrad socks are not a medical product as our socks have compression levels of 30 mmHg and below.
zszbace's compression range includes:
Light Support (10 to 15 mmHg)
- Moderate (15 to 20 mmHg)
- Robust (20 to 30 mmHg)
- Types of medical compression stockings
How to choose and use compression stockings
Medical and non-medical compression stockings are sometimes called compression stockings. They come in different sizes, pressure ranges and styles. You can choose compression stockings that are light or high pressure. They also come in different lengths: thigh high, knee high and ankle length.
Anti-embolic compression stockings are specifically designed to prevent blood clots and deep vein thrombosis in sedentary people. Doctors usually prescribe it.
Do you need a prescription for medical compression stockings?
Over-the-counter compression stockings do not require a prescription. However, your health care provider may want you to use some kind of insurance that requires you to write a prescription, use your health insurance, or make it special. You may need to go to a medical equipment store for a measurement.
How to wear and care for your compression stockings
With regular socks, you can safely wear them all day without thinking twice. When you're done, you can simply throw them in the washing machine along with your regular clothes. While some medical compression stockings can be used to do these things, most require a lot of attention and can't be worn all day.
How to put on medical compression stockings
Some people have a hard time putting on compression socks. Some tips for getting them to stand up are to sprinkle cornstarch or baby powder on the legs or feet, or apply lotion before pulling them up. You can also buy a device called a sock cover, which opens the sock so you can slide your foot into it.
How long can medical compression stockings be worn?
How long you can wear compression stockings depends on why you need them. Some can only be worn for a few hours, such as when exercising. Others can be worn for longer periods of time, such as sedentary or bed rest. Athletes often wear compression socks after a performance because they provide pain relief.
Can you sleep in them? In some cases, if you have open ulcers or vein problems, yes, you can sleep in socks. Otherwise, you should remove them before lying down. To be sure, there's no harm in asking your doctor if it's safe to sleep in compression stockings all night.
How do you maintain medical compression stockings?
Compression socks should be washed separately from similar items in cold water. Use a fine or gentle cycle and use a mild cleanser. Do not use bleach or fabric softener. You can also hand wash them if this is your preference.
To dry compression socks, hang them up or put them in a low-temperature dryer. If you are hanging them, it is recommended that you do not hang them in the sun or near heaters or radiators.
Leg Compression Sleeves and Compression Socks
Which is more beneficial? It depends on your personal preference.
If you want the freedom to wear socks of your choice, leg compression sleeves are the way to go. Also, compression sleeves are a good option if you are engaged in sports or use special footwear. You can choose between a thigh-to-ankle length and a partial length, just below the knee all the way to the ankle.
Compression sleeves provide progressive compression, which means the amount of pressure increases along the length of the garment and feels looser at the top and tighter at the bottom.
You might choose a compression sleeve for your leg if:
you engage in high-intensity exercise
- you feel pain during exercise
- you want to prevent shin splints
However, be aware that ankle openings on compression sleeves are often too tight and very narrow. This can actually cause blood pooling and swelling in the feet, two things you want to prevent in the first place!
Use compression socks if you want covered support for your feet. Compression socks are also a better option if you need compression support for longer periods of time. If this is the case, we at ZSZBACE offer you a wide range of knee-length gradient compression socks.
Compression stockings are great for people who stand for long periods of time or travel long distances. Just like compression sleeves, they offer graded compression. If your feet are swollen, compression stockings help blood flow upwards to reduce swelling.
You may choose compression socks if:
- You often experience swelling in your ankles and feet
- you have plantar fasciitis
- You need pain relief in your foot or ankle after exercising
Compression socks are thicker than regular socks. This helps remove excess moisture, keeps your legs dry and protects your skin.