When should knee pads be worn?
While it may be tempting to wear pads all day, it's not necessarily beneficial. Sometimes knee braces can inhibit blood circulation if worn for too long. Therefore, it is best to wear pads only when kneeling or performing activities that pose a risk of falling, such as sports. In other cases, they probably shouldn't be worn. Another risk of excessive wear on the knee pads is loss of knee strength due to atrophy of the knee muscles. This weakening itself can increase the risk of injury, such as a sprained or strained knee.

Should knee pads be worn to sleep?
As mentioned above, overuse of knee braces may interfere with blood circulation and/or cause knee muscle atrophy. Therefore, the use of knee braces should be limited to situations where there is a risk of trauma to the knee or where the weight will be borne by the knee for an extended period of time. Therefore, we recommend not wearing knee pads while sleeping, unless your healthcare advisor advises you to do so.
Knee pad type
There are several options for knee pads designed to help you in different ways. If your knee is hit hard, like falling off a skateboard, you'll want a knee pad with a hard front shell supported by a solid pad. If you need more flexibility and extra padding, such as when a wrestler kneels while pressing an opponent on the mat, use soft, thick padding in the front. Some braces slide over the knee with elastic support back sleeves, while others have two straps that wrap around the leg above and below the knee, leaving the back of the knee exposed.
damage reduction
Any sport or exercise that requires the knee to be pressed to the floor (such as deep lunges) or leaning forward (such as diving for volleyball) can cause a knee injury. Knee braces prevent you from damaging your patella and surrounding muscles and ligaments while skating, cycling, or playing sports like hockey and soccer. According to a 1996 study titled "Risk Factors and Effectiveness of Safety Equipment for Inline Skating Injuries," published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 32 percent of knee injuries were due to the lack of a knee brace. As the American Journal of Epidemiology reported, a 2005 study of nearly 20,000 student sports seasons showed that students who wore knee pads in sports such as cheerleading experienced a 56 percent reduction in knee injuries,
Related Article: How to Scientifically Choose Knee Pads
knee brace
Knee braces provide support for your knee, reducing the chance of your knee hyperextending or collapsing during exercise. A hard or soft front knee brace that includes an elastic sleeve that slides over the leg and covers the back of the knee, providing support to the knee muscles and ligaments while protecting the patella. They connect your thigh muscles to the calf muscles on the sides and back of your knee and help keep your knee from overextending during strenuous activity.
Improve performance
Athletes understandably hesitate to go all out without protective knee pads. In volleyball, for example, hitting the ball with both knees is standard. However, the hard floor of an indoor court can damage your knee if you hit it at full speed with your full weight without knee pads. Knee pads give you the confidence to try out new inline skating moves, wrestling tricks or soccer games without worrying about knee injuries. Knee braces won't protect you from all knee injuries, so check with your doctor, trainer, or personal trainer to make sure you understand the correct form of new technology before trying it out.

Great way to warm up your knees
A knee warm-up requires the help of muscles that connect to the knee, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. Exercising these muscles, along with the ankle muscles that keep your knees aligned, warm, and ready to work, can prepare your knees for exercise and help prevent knee injuries.
stretch quadriceps
Stretching your quads or front of your thighs will help get the muscles around the front of your knee ready for work. Take the pressure off your knees when you stretch on your side. Bend your upper knee and reach behind you with your hands, grabbing your toes. Gently pull your feet toward your hips, crossing your knees from the top of your quads. Repeat on the other side.
stretch the hamstrings
Prepare the muscles at the back of the knee by stretching the hamstrings. Sit on the floor with your legs straight and feet together. Lean forward and reach out to touch your toes, feeling the stretch in the back of your thighs and the back of your knees. Spread your feet out and lean forward between your legs to help stretch your inner knees.
leg lift
Leg raises can help relax the muscles around your knees and prepare you for a workout. Lie on your back with one leg straight, one knee bent, feet flat on the floor. Raise your straight leg until your knee sits next to your bent knee. Hold this position for five seconds, then release in a controlled motion. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
Walk briskly with your knees elevated to warm your knees. If possible, during part of your warm-up walk, take large strides and try going up and down hills or stairs. Walk for five to ten minutes.
Which muscle groups are used to bend the knee?
You bend your knees countless times throughout the day. Every time you walk, squat, jump, kneel, or perform many other daily movements, your knees and connected muscles are used. Identifying these muscles and keeping them strong will reduce knee pain, reduce the incidence of future injuries, and help you maintain mobility.
Flex the thigh muscles
The hamstrings on the back of the thigh are primarily responsible for bending the knee. This muscle group consists of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus and attaches to the tibia or knee bone in various locations. The other two thigh muscles also help with knee flexion. The sartorius muscle extends diagonally from the outer hip along the front of the thigh to the inner knee, helping to flex the knee. Your gracilis runs along your inner thigh and is also involved in flexion and rotation of the knee to some extent.
calf flexor muscles
The calf muscles also play a role in knee flexion. Your gastrocnemius is the main calf muscle that runs from the lower part of your femur to your Achilles tendon behind your knee. It is responsible for bending your knees and ankles. Your popliteus is a much smaller muscle, also known as the knee flexor. It runs from the inside of your upper calf bone to the outside of your shinbone behind your knee and is responsible for flexing your knees and rotating them inward.
extensor muscles
If you bend or bend your knees, you will most likely need to straighten or stretch them to get back to their original position. The quadriceps muscle in the front of the thigh is also connected to the shinbone and is responsible for opening the knee joint. Your quads are made up of four muscles, the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis.
Muscle weakness and knee problems
Lack of muscle strength and flexibility is one of the main causes of knee injuries. Weak hamstrings or quadriceps can put extra stress on the knee joint, leading to knee pain or injury. Similar problems can occur with tight or stiff muscles associated with the knee joint. To avoid knee pain and injury, it's important to strengthen all calf muscles and stretch them with a full range of motion after each workout.
How to make your knees thinner
The body accumulates fat in various places, including the knees. There are two types of fat in the body. Visceral fat is dangerous and can appear deeper in the body. Superficial fat, called subcutaneous fat, appears directly under the skin. This type of fat tends to fold and bulge between the tissues that connect muscle and skin. Although there is no way to reduce fat in your knees only locally, eliminating body fat will make them look thinner.
Step 1: Do about 60 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise 5 days a week. While you can't just get rid of fat in your knees, cardiovascular exercise can help reduce fat all over your body, including your knees. Choose any cardiovascular activity that makes you sweat, such as dancing, biking, aerobics, or climbing stairs.
Step 2: Strengthen the muscles that help control or wrap around the knee, such as the quadriceps. The book "Ace Personal Trainer's Handbook" states that this will improve the appearance of the muscles in the knee area, making the knee look thinner. Try an exercise like the bodyweight squat, lower yourself back as if you were sitting in a chair, and stop when your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. About two sets of 12 repetitions.
Step 3: Reduce the number of calories you consume each day to help reduce body and knee area fat. To lose about 2 pounds of fat per week, you need to cut about 1,000 calories from your diet each day. Aim to be high in vegetables and fruits, moderate in protein like chicken, and low in refined carbohydrates like pasta and white bread.
Step 4: Roll the foam roller onto your knees for a few minutes each day. The connective tissue under the skin tends to weaken and separate, making fatty tissue visible. Fitness magazine explains that rolling a foam roller on your knees smoothes the skin and hydrates connective tissue, making them look thinner.