Why use compression stockings with ankle injuries

How foot fractures happen
When an opposing force suddenly bends, hits, or twists the bone, it often breaks, causing tremendous pain. Fractures are more likely than people realize. For example, accidentally kicking a hard object can lead to a broken or broken toe, and a poor landing during a fall or jump can lead to a broken heel.
Most fractures are caused by accidents and are instantaneous, others occur as a result of repeated stress on the bone, known as stress fractures. This condition is common among soldiers and athletes such as runners and gymnasts.
These are common symptoms of a broken foot: pain, bruising, and swelling in most parts of the foot. These symptoms are also present in sprained feet, and sometimes it is difficult to tell if a person has a fracture or sprain just by looking at it. It's not just fractures that cause swelling, there are many other conditions associated with swelling of the foot.
For example, edema is due to excess fluid in the feet; most women experience swollen feet during pregnancy; and preeclampsia, a pregnancy problem that can occur during pregnancy, also has symptoms of swollen feet.
People with lymphedema can experience swollen feet due to damage to the lymph nodes that are supposed to drain fluid from the body; chronic venous insufficiency can also cause swelling in the feet; heart failure can cause swollen feet because blood doesn't flow in the right direction; Kidney disease can also cause swollen feet, because a lot of sodium remains in the blood, causing the body to retain more water; people with liver disease often experience swollen feet.
In addition to medical treatments for swollen feet and broken feet, there are some home remedies that can help ease this problem. One of them is the use of RICE or rest, ice, compression and elevation. If a broken foot requires emergency medical attention, it can be helpful after discharge from the hospital. Rest, ice, and leg elevation will help reduce pain during recovery.
Using Compression Healing to Treat Foot Fractures and Swellings
Compression is an optional but highly recommended accelerated recovery process. Compression stockings are best used as they help reduce swelling by restricting the drainage of fluid from the application area, which also reduces pain and tension on the nerves.
Compression stockings mimic the pumping of the muscles, helping to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the affected area and improving circulation to damaged tissue. Compression stockings also provide additional ankle stability and control to prevent foot fractures from irregular movement and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Compression socks are one of the most effective compression garments to promote recovery from foot and leg injuries. Browse ours here.
When using compression stockings, there are a few tricks to consider in order to make the use of the stockings stress-free. It is recommended that you wear compression socks in the morning when your feet are less swollen.
To make sure you're wearing the correct size compression socks, it's best to take proper measurements, as using the wrong compression can lead to more complications rather than amelioration of the problem. It's also recommended that you don't wear compression socks when sleeping completely flat.
For athletes, it is recommended to use compression sleeves during activity and compression socks for recovery the next day. In the hot summer months, it's best to wear open-toed compression socks to allow your feet to breathe.
As anyone who's ever had an ankle, you know a sprained ankle is no joke. How much pain, swelling, and torment it takes, it's better than a broken bone. Fortunately, ankle injuries can often be treated without much intervention from a doctor. And, whether you're a serious athlete or a casual runner, anything you can do to aid the recovery process will get you back to your workout routine faster.
How do compression socks work? What do they do?
Why use compression stockings with ankle injuries
Relax when your ankle hurts.
When you're in a really good workout and you're used to being active, it can be difficult to sit back and wait for your ankle injury to heal. However, returning to the horse too early can prolong your recovery time and even make your injury worse. Rather than "getting over the pain," follow your doctor's advice and give your ankle enough rest to allow it to heal properly.
Freezing your ankle hurts.
There are many conflicting recommendations about when and how often to apply ice. We'll tell you straight: For the first 72 hours, apply ice for 20 minutes, then rest until your skin thaws. repeat. After three days, use ice immediately after any type of rehabilitation or treatment, or at the end of the day if you develop swelling.
Keep your ankles elevated.
During the first 72 hours after the injury, your ankle should be as high above your heart as possible throughout the day. Failure to do so can lead to excessive swelling, which can lead to more pain. You can also (and should) elevate your ankles while you sleep. Be sure to tuck pillows under your knees to provide support for the rest of your body.
Use compression socks when your ankle is injured.
Along with rest, ice, and elevation, compression is a key factor in controlling swelling. Compression stockings promote blood flow back to the heart by applying maximum pressure at the ankle and gradually becoming less tight up the leg. Don't worry - they're not too tight In fact, they're thin and flexible enough to wear comfortably all day, even when icing your ankles