How Long Should You Wear Compression Socks?
"You can wear compression socks all day, every day. They're great for long periods of time—whether you're working a night shift, flying around the world, or sitting at a desk all day. Be sure to take your compression socks off when you're ready to go to bed. !
To determine how long you should wear compression stockings, you may need to consider the symptoms you are experiencing. "
For example: If you're looking to relieve discomfort and fatigue after a workout, consider putting on compression stockings immediately within 3-4 hours of your workout. If you want to reduce leg swelling, try putting on compression socks before standing for long periods of time.
Some people wear compression stockings for medical reasons, such as lymphedema or chronic venous insufficiency. (Chung et al. E391, E396) We recommend asking a healthcare professional to explain the ideal amount of time to wear a compression garment to treat your symptoms.
Although pressure therapy should not be used during sleep, it is sometimes recommended for people with bed rest or limited mobility. Pregnant women and people recovering from surgery can benefit from wearing compression stockings during times of limited mobility. (Bretler et al.)
So whether you're recovering on a recliner or sprinting on a sports field, you can use compression socks to prevent poor circulation and reduce swelling and discomfort. They are safe to wear all day.
How long should I wear compression stockings to improve my circulation?

How do compression socks work?
There are different kinds of compression therapy. Some forms of compression therapy include compression sleeves, compression stockings, compression stockings, and compression bandages. Compression stockings are inexpensive and easy to use compared to other forms of compression therapy. (Dolly Borg et al.)
At ZSZBACE, we offer graded knee compression socks with 15-25 mmHg compressive strength for moderate levels, which is a good starting point, and 20-30 mmHg for those who need firmer support.
We also offer ankle socks with targeted compression that are consistent throughout the length of the sock. Graded compression is more effective than uniform compression in improving circulation and reducing swelling.
Our graduated compression socks work by putting 25 mmHg of pressure on your foot and ankle. As the sock moves up the calf, the pressure is reduced to 15 mmHg. Progressive compression supports your leg veins by helping blood flow upwards and defying gravity.
Gradient compression garments not only prevent blood from building up in the lower legs, but they can also help prevent blood clots from forming deep in the veins of the legs.
Doctors often recommend that patients use compression stockings to relieve symptoms associated with:
Varicose veins and spider veins
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- edema (swelling)
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)
- Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS)
- Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
- Tibial splint
- plantar fasciitis
- lymphedema
Compression stockings reduce discomfort, reduce the risk of blood clots, and promote healthy blood vessels by gently pressing on the legs and pushing blood from the extremities back to the heart.
In addition, they cite evidence that progressive compression therapy can prevent deep vein thrombosis in medical patients, contribute to long-term maintenance of lymphedema volume, and help treat thrombophlebitis when used in conjunction with surgery.
For many vascular and lymphatic disorders, compression therapy can provide relief. Progressive compression therapy, in particular, helps promote blood flow and lymphatic drainage by helping the body defy gravity.
Can you sleep in compression socks?
Why can't I wear compression socks overnight? You won't notice if your socks bunch up or fold up when you're asleep. When this happens, your socks may cut off blood circulation. While you'll notice the problem while you're awake, you may fall asleep because of the discomfort, which can lead to medical problems.
When you're in bed, your veins don't need much help to pump blood against the force of gravity. When you wear compression socks during your waking hours, you'll experience additional benefits, including reduced swelling and discomfort.
We recommend gradient compression socks when you are walking around, standing or sitting upright.
How to put on and take off compression socks
Watch our video "How To Put On Compression Socks" for best practices for putting on compression socks.
Follow the steps below to put on knee compression socks.
Put your hands and arms inside the compression stockings and grab to heal.
Turn the top of the sock over to leave a pocket for your foot.
Put your toes inside the sock's foot.
Swing your feet and toes until your heels line up with the heels of your sock.
Grab the cuff and pull it up.
Smooth out the socks, making sure the cuffs are just below the knees.
Do not fold or roll up the cuff.
Some people use tools (such as wearing socks or gloves) to make it easier to put on compression socks.
To take off your socks, start in a seated position. Grasp the cuff with both hands and remove the entire sock in one smooth motion.
How you should take care of your compression stockings
Wash the compression stockings in a similar color on a gentle, cool way. Do not use bleach or fabric softener. We recommend air-drying the socks to maintain the compression elasticity. Do not use dryer sheets.
Our socks are made from flexible natural and synthetic fabrics that limit shrinkage. With proper care, these socks should retain their elasticity for up to 6 months.
What should you look for in compression stockings?
Correct Size | Avoid wearing the wrong size compression socks, as you may accidentally cut off circulation in your calf, foot, or toes. At ZSZBACE, we offer sizes from small to large, including wide calf sizes. Our size range will help ensure you have the right size.
Make sure to pull the sock all the way up until the cuff is just below the knee. Then smooth the sock over the skin to help avoid it. Bunch. Because we provide a holding cuff, you won't need to adjust your knee-high ZSZBACE socks as often.
Consult your doctor if you are not sure about the optimal range of compression for your body. We take advantage of the beneficial properties of compression technology and knitted design, but provide a level of compression that does not require a prescription.
Who shouldn't wear compression socks?
You should remove your compression stockings if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- circulatory disorder
- uncomfortable
- redness
- corn
- joint pain
- tingling feet
- allergic skin reaction
People with the following medical conditions should consult a doctor before trying pressure therapy:
skin infection
- congestive heart failure
- ischemia
- Peripheral neuropathy
- diabetes
Are compression stockings safe to wear all day?
Unless you encounter one of the contraindications listed above, you can wear compression socks all day with confidence. Athletes, doctors, pilots, engineers, and chefs all use compression socks to help relieve work-related discomfort and feel healthy and strong.
Whether you're looking to prevent vascular problems before you start, or to recover from a workout faster, compression stockings can provide an easy, inexpensive way to achieve your health goals. Pressure therapy has been proven to help you feel your best.
When you get dressed in the morning, reach for socks that can help you reach your full potential. Compression is a relaxing way to feel better and healthier every day.