How to deal with ankle sprain?
First we need to determine the severity of the sprain, generally divided into three grades. Grade 1 is the lightest, with only a torn ligament with tenderness and swelling. Grade 2 is partially torn; Grade 3 is a complete tear, with more pain and swelling.
Generally, grade 1 sprain does not need treatment. If it is grade 2 or 3, your sprain makes it impossible for you to put your body weight on the sprained foot, or if you experience severe pain and swelling, please go to the hospital as soon as possible.
After a sprain, do not exercise the ankle vigorously, do not walk much until the swelling is gradually reduced, and try not to put weight on the ankle. You can temporarily use crutches to support the weight of the injured ankle and keep your balance while walking. You can use braces if necessary to help control swelling and ligament healing. Depending on the severity of the sprain, you may need braces for 2 to 6 weeks.
Cool your sprained ankle with an ice pack. Place the ice compress on the injured ankle and hold it for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat every 2-3 hours as long as the swelling persists. It also relieves the pain.
Ice limits inflammation, especially in the first 24 hours of injury. Putting ice compress on any strain will help reduce overall swelling and bruising.
Wrap the bandage around the ankle and foot and secure it with medical tape. Be sure to keep the package dry. Until the swelling subsides. Pay attention to the package is not too loose and tight, feel comfortable.
You can also use upturned or pull-up bandages and braces. These are usually beneficial as they ensure that pressure is applied evenly without affecting blood circulation to the feet.
Raise your ankles above your heart level. Sit or lie down and use a footstool or pillow to raise your ankles. Elevate your ankle for 2 to 3 hours a day until it stops swelling. Elevation will help reduce swelling and bruising.
Take over-the-counter painkillers. Over-the-counter pain reliever that can help control the pain and inflammation caused by ankle sprains. Follow the product instructions to help you determine the correct dosage and take as recommended to control pain and swelling.