How to Treat a Sprained Ankle with Compression Socks
Ankle injuries aren't just a temporary stop to an active life, whether they happen while walking, hiking, or running. They can be difficult, painful and uncomfortable to handle. In the case of an ankle sprain, there are several severities that need to be taken seriously and cared for accordingly.
Can compression stockings help a sprained ankle? What should you do to maximize your recovery from this injury? Because of the pressure they put on the affected area, compression stockings can be a great tool for recovery. They are part of the four elements of recovery RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and can even be your partner, even recovering from a sprained ankle.
Why use compression stockings with ankle injuries

To understand how compression socks work on a sprained ankle, we'll cover:
what is an ankle sprain;
Compression is part of how to recover from an ankle sprain;
Especially the benefits of compression socks;
How to use compression socks when recovering from an injured ankle;
How to choose the best socks for you.
Understanding Ankle Sprains
A sprained ankle occurs when you roll, twist, or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can happen during physical activity, but sometimes it happens when there is nothing special about it, even when getting up in the morning and taking your first steps. Stressful exercise can cause your ligaments to stretch or even tear, leading to the feeling of a sprained ankle.
So, what is a sprained ankle? Essentially, when a ligament is forced beyond its normal range of motion, that's when you sprain your ankle. Mainly the ligaments on the outside of the ankle.
When you sprain your ankle, you experience pain and discomfort in and around the ankle area. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may also see it swollen or bruised. It's also a symptom if you hurt your ankle when you touch it, feel unstable, or can't move freely. Finally, in some cases, there may be a popping sensation, or you may hear a sound when injured.
If your legs are swollen on a plane, you should try gradient compression socks
There are a few conditions to be aware of that may increase the risk of an ankle sprain (although, as noted, this can also happen suddenly):
jumping or spinning and landing awkwardly;
walking or exercising on uneven surfaces, off-road or mountains;
If someone else steps on your foot during a physical activity, such as a basketball game.
Finally, it's worth emphasizing that there are a few things you can do to prevent ankle sprains in general. Start with a proper warm-up before exercise and maintain good overall physical condition, including:
Use ankle braces or tape on known previously injured or particularly sensitive ankles;
Wear suitable shoes for the activities you are doing;
avoid wearing high heels;
Avoid sports without proper training;
Good overall stability and strength, as well as muscle flexibility.
VIM & VIGR compression socks for sprained ankles
Can compression socks help a sprained ankle?
Once an ankle sprain occurs, traditional recovery methods employ well-known acronyms
Rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Depending on the severity of your ankle sprain, you should rest for 24 to 48 hours immediately after the injury to get used to the feeling in your ankle. Usually, moderate sprains can continue to walk, but more severe sprains should remain weightless for longer.
Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and reduce some pain. Experts recommend freezing for 20 minutes every four hours, but you have to be careful not to overdo it, as this can cause tissue damage.
Elastic medical bandages are often used on sprains to reduce swelling and any internal bleeding if this occurs. That's where compression socks come in: Since they're easier to wear and use than medical bandages, their graded compression also prevents us from over-compressing injuries.
For the first 72 hours after your injury, your ankle should be as high as possible over your heart. This prevents swelling and more pain, and allows better blood flow—another factor that compression stockings also help.
Therefore, after the RICE acronym, compression socks are ideal for ankle sprains, providing an easier, more comfortable way to ensure compression to the injured area and support adequate blood flow to the lower extremity.
Benefits of compression stockings for ankle injuries
Due to ease of use, comfort and specific action on the ankle area, compression socks have many advantages in the event of an ankle injury. Not only are they convenient garments that provide the compression you need, but they're also stylish, provide added benefits, and don't need to be discontinued after a period of time.
Here are some of the benefits of using compression stockings for ankle injuries:
They are easy to put on and last longer without side effects and discomfort;
Compression stockings come in a variety of pressure levels, are suitable for running or hiking, and can be worn after the initial injury. In fact, they can prevent other injuries in the future because they maintain good ankle position and adequate blood flow to the lower extremities;
Unlike medical bandages, which need to be changed and used correctly, compression stockings are put on like ordinary socks and do not need to be removed after a specific time;
High-quality compression stockings provide immediate pain and swelling relief after wearing;
The available fashion collection makes it a popular accessory and one that blends in with your outfit without visibly hurting.
Finally, keep in mind that compression garments come in several other shapes as well. Some patients prefer ankle wraps or compression stockings, which both offer the same benefits but have their own peculiarities (eg, ankle wraps don't extend to the foot, so you won't get full coverage of your lower extremity).
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle with Compression Socks
When your ankle is injured, it's relatively simple to use compression socks as part of your recovery. First, if you've never used compression socks before, read about how to wear them and how to choose the best one for you. For severe sprains, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before deciding what type of compression should be used.
If you are approved to wear compression stockings, we recommend you start with a lower pressure, 15-20mmHg, and see how they feel on your injured ankle. This level of compression can be worn all day with no problem, but see how comfortable you are and how long you can take it. It might be better to wear it for a few hours at a time, then give your ankle a break.
Using compression socks on your first walk or run will help keep the swelling from coming back and give your ankle a little extra protection and proper positioning as you resume and resume physical activity. Continuing to wear compression socks appropriate for your sport can be very beneficial in the long run, as they will continue to support your circulation and protect you from new sprains. You can even enjoy other perks like merino wool socks that wick away sweat and offer great temperature adaptation.
Choosing the Best Compression Socks for Sprained Ankle Recovery
Recovering from a sprained ankle can take time, patience and care, especially if you have a more serious injury. You should always ensure gradual recovery, as your ankle ligaments need time to rebuild strength and flexibility, but this should come in time with adequate training and wearing compression socks for extra protection.
To choose the compression socks that best suit your lifestyle, activities and overall sense of style . Always make sure to buy the size that is right for you, try it on a few times before going on a long hike or run, and talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.